Monday, September 28, 2009

"The Internet Is No Substitute for the Dying Newspaper Industry"by Chris Hedges and "Is Google Making Us Stupid" by Nicholas Carr

“The Internet Is No Substitute for the Dying Newspaper Industry” written by, Chris Hedges, talks about newspaper becoming extinct and the internet being a poor substitute. Chris talks about the fact that newspaper provide an outlet where people can be aware of what’s going on within their surroundings as well as providing the truth whether one like it or not. On the other hand the author believes that the internet only provide things that the public wants to hear and lacks the basic itineraries to become an efficient substitute for newspapers.
In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” written by, Nicholas Carr, raises the question of whether the internet, Google, is making us stupid. While he thinks that the internet is indeed changing the way we read and think at the same time he also believe that he may be too quick to expect the worse of a new invention as it could ultimately lead to something great. At the end he tells us that it is alright to be skeptical of his skepticism. Nicholas, however, strongly believes that printed pages such as newspapers allow for deep readings and as such enable for deep thinking which the internet lacks.
Chris Hedges in his article talks about three main things that are responsible for the decline of newspaper. Rise of Corporate State (business), loss of one’s responsibility to the public and as citizens in the part of mostly the business class and poor intelligence of the post literate world. Chris also states that as a result of these problems numerous jobs have been loss, there has also been a decrease in newspaper stocks and advertising revenues. He believes that newspaper offers a means through which citizens can be aware of the society in which they live and the world at large. It allows for citizens to be aware of the works of government and to provide a medium where citizens who normally don’t have a say to have a say and provide their own incite and views on what is going on. Chris also believe that newspaper offer a medium of public trust.
Chris believes that reporters are explorers who go to the source to get the news. He believe that their reports are well researched as they ask questions and seek answers.He also believes that journalist provides the truth even those truth that we choose not to want to hear. The Author thinks of journalist as being unbiased and they challenge basic beliefs. On the other hand he believes that bloggers doesn’t report or do research or go out to the field to find answers. They just basically provide their own opinion without any deep proof to back it up and that bloggers tend to exchange facts with their own opinions. Chris also thinks that corporations doesn’t provide news because they want to ,but for the profit or benefit it provides and as such they just provide what individuals want to hear in a way that’s entertaining and amusing.
While I believe that newspaper allows for citizens to be more engage in what is going on around them, I don’t believe that newspapers can be seen as a medium of public trust. I say this because in today’s world business holds a privilege position in society meaning that they tend to undermine the system just to enable that they are seen in a good light to the public. Many of these media outlets are funded and even own by business and as such many of these newspaper articles tends not to write the truth but are very prejudice so that business can be seen in a good light. This brings out my point that people cannot trust everything that is written in newspaper because they tend to be “sugar coated”.
Another important thing I want to point out is that journalists are humans, humans who have their own thoughts and their own opinions. Journalist are the ones that are behind these newspaper articles and they are just as opinionated as bloggers but newspaper agency make it comes across as factual information.
I may also beg to differ with the part where the author makes mention that journalist provides the truth whether one like it or not. Journalist works under a corporation. Corporations want to have a good reputation as they want to make profit. If what journalist writes doesn’t fit these criteria it will not be published.
What I agree with is that bloggers tend to interchange the facts with their own opinions. Bloggers tend to write things that are false because instead of doing research and seek out the right answers, so as to get their facts right they just publish things on their site because they want to get the attention of viewers and to gain publicity. It is also a money making venture for many. One blogger that comes to mind is Perez Hilton who blogs about celebrities. Many times what Perez Hilton writes about is false and he’s always in contention with celebrities.
I also agree with Chris when he mentions the fact that the Web is built for browsing not reading and that many of the time one has to print out an article to read it. I completely agree with him. I am a living proof of that. For my English class I had to read a 6 page article on the internet and I had to print it out to read it. One can easily get bored and distracted reading such a lengthy article on the net. The Internet provides a lot of distractions as one tend to wonder who is on facebook or which celebrity is getting divorce today.
In this world today the main goal of business is to make profit even at the expense of the citizens. This is why I also agree with the point that the Author made when he talks about the fact that corporations are not in the business of news. Their purpose is to just make people happy because they know they will also be happy.
Nicholas Carr in is article, Is Google Making Us Stupid, provides an answer to his question as well as challenge his own opinion and belief.
I agree with Nicholas that reading books and newspapers enable for deeper thinking and thoughts and as such make us more intellectual. I also agree that the reading of lengthy books allows for one to read very profoundly as to ensure that one pick up the main points and to get a full understanding as to what the book is saying and to get what one is looking for. This allows for our brains to think more complex and deeper.
On the other hand the introduction of the Internet has change the way one thinks and read. The Internet allows for easy access to quick well organized information that’s on the surface. This takes away the ability to think or read as one use to. Instead we skim read to find the information we want and also the internet also provides a wide range of sources. So instead of spending a great deal of time on one source, with the use of the internet, we can skip from one source to the next. This takes away our ability to focus on one piece of article. Our focus becomes scattered. The need for deep reading which can ultimately develop our sense of thoughts and understanding takes a back seat as the internet provides us with easy access to information.
This can have a very negative effect on humans. For example as college students we are sometimes required to write lengthy essays, sometimes 3 to 5 pages or even more. We find our self being stuck at the second page because we are unable to think as our brains are so limited because we get accustom to short simple writings. We no longer read books and newspapers that can build our vocabulary and expand our thoughts.
The use of the internet also takes away the ability for one to read intensely so that one can achieve the core understanding of an article. We are unable to fully interpret and analyze an article .Instead; we look for the quick wins as the author states. What we do is we glance over the surface just to find what we are looking for. So instead of having a great understanding of what we read one is just left with the answers and no kind of background knowledge.
The author also mentions the fact that the internet also provides a lot of distractions. Instead of focusing on what we are reading, we find ourselves on facebook or yahoo messenger. So our brains are all over the place and we are unable to fully focus on one thing. Our concentration then becomes spread out.
Nicholas Carr also made the point that our brains are not fixed but very adaptable. Our brains are quick to adapt to changes. As a result our brains become adapted to that quick operation of the internet and we find it very difficult to read a 10 page article.
Google however believes that the more information one can access and the faster one can pick up the main points, the more productive one becomes has a thinker. I however agree and disagree with this thought. In this day and age where people have to do multiple jobs , take care of kids and at the same time go to school it can be very stressing to read a whole book to gather information which one can access on the internet in a shorter span of time. I agree with Google as it will allow for one to be a more productive thinker because one has to be very sharp and on point so as to ensure that one never misses a main point. I however disagree with Google. I believe that the internet allows for the future generation, which I am a part of, to become very lazy and unproductive and less efficient. We lose the ability to fully read and analyze an article because we are provided with an easier way out.
In ending the author made the remark that he might be too quick to point out the negatives in a new invention as it may evolve into something great. He talked about Socrates who hated the idea of the development of writing as he thought that it would take away the ability of persons to retain things in their head and having a greater understanding of what they read. Although this might have some truth in it, on the brighter side this new development has allowed for information to be spread, enabled for different ideas to be form and expand human knowledge.
But while Nicholas Carr made mention that it’s alright to be skeptical of his skepticism , he emphasize his point that printed pages such as newspapers enables for deep reading and as such one can acquire great knowledge and incite allowing us to create e one’s own idea. He ends his article with what he called Kubrick’s dark prophecy and I quote “as we rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence”. End of quote.
Both “The Internet Is No Substitute for the Dying Newspaper Industry” written by, Chris Hedges and “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” written by, Nicholas Carr are well written article that provide each author point of view on the internet and printed pages. I agreed as well as disagreed on different points they made but I think both author did an excellent job in the way they presented their ideas.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

106 year old woman is ready to marry for the 23rd time

September 27, 2009
A 106 year old Queens resident, Forever Young, says she is ready to marry for the 23rd time because she fears her current drug addict husband, Coke Bailey, who is undergoing rehabilitation treatment will leave her for a younger woman once the programme ends.
“I don’t want to be alone” Forever murmured. “But on the brighter side he was getting a little too old for me” Young emphasized.
This will be Young’s second divorce in just a mere two years. Forever said she got divorce from her former husband because he wasn’t a good lover.
“Oh my last husband was one lazy bum, I had to let him loose” Young complained.
Forever Young describe herself as being eternally twelve and to her she hasn’t aged one bit.
It makes us wonder if Forever has a mirror at her home.
Young was the only child for her mom and dad who both died at the age of 60.She was always complimented for her beauty and they told her that she must always pamper herself, live life to the fullest and live life like she was forever young because she was worth it. Forever is clearly living up to her parent’s advice.
When ask Forever what kind of husband she is looking for this time, she made it clear that her dream man must be in his twenties, very handsome and muscular and must have sexy lips and white, well arranged teeth.
To 107 year old Forever Young she is as fit as a fiddle and she has recharged her battery and is ready to find the 23rd man of her dreams.
The question asked, however, is how much longer does Forever think she can continue to recharge her battery for until it completely dies?
Maybe for a couple more weeks, but who knows it can be less.We however wish Forever all the best!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Onion

The Onion which is a “news satire” organization provides a medium through which one can have great laugh and at the same time allowing for one to be more knowledgeable and more alert about the things that is going on around us. The Onion presents humor in a way that is well written and well organized that in some instances it appears to be very real. This organization also talks about serious issues but they are presented in a way that is very funny and humorous. Here is an example of an article from The Onion.

79-Year-Old Still Saving For Future
OCTOBER 15, 2003
OLATHE, KS—Frances Buntz, 79, continues to work diligently as a file clerk at Kansas State Insurance and save any extra money she can, Buntz said Monday. "When my husband had a stroke eight years ago, all of our savings went to bills," said Buntz, momentarily resting her weight on her cane. "Since then, I've been trying to build up a little nest egg." Buntz said she hopes to someday invest in a nice little place to settle down, or some medicine.

This article talks about a 79 year old lady who is apparently saving up her money so she can someday buy a house and enjoy her life. The humor presented in this article is that this lady is old enough to die any time soon but yet she is still working to accomplish what can be describe as the American Dream

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Personal Story

My personal story I will be writing about is the time I saw a dead man’s head, without the rest of the body that is, a couple of houses from my house. It was the scariest most bizarre thing I have ever experience in all my 17 years of living.
This terrible act all stemmed from an ongoing rivalry between two set of groups .It was reported that this feud started when Blackadread, the leader of the first gang, was shot in his foot by a man from the other group. From that day Blackadread always had a hatred for not just the man who shot him, but for the man’s family at large .The man who shot Blackadread had a son by the name of Triston who lived in Lionel town where Blackadread reside. It was said that Blackadread had ordered Triston to never enter his turf or walk around where he lived.
Triston, however, never took the warnings.
One day as Triston and his friends were walking by where Blackadread and his friends were sitting they started to taunt and began to throw stones at Triston and his friends.Triston and his friends then immediately turned around and started to throw back stones at the group. It was at that moment when Blackadread took out his gun and started to fire multiple shots at Triston and his friends. It was then reported that the boys began to run. Triston, however, wasn’t lucky enough as he was gunned down and shot in his mouth and left to die.
This all happened when I was at school. On my way from school in the taxi I overheard the driver talking about a shooting in Lionel Town and someone getting shot and in serious condition. He didn’t say who it was. It was only when I got home that I heard that it was my friend Triston who had been shot. I was so terrified the only thing I could do was to pray that he was alright.
Triston thankfully had survived the shot, but this was just the beginning. Triston’s father wanted revenge. He wanted everyone who was responsible for his sons shooting to pay the price.
It didn’t take long for the first fatal killing to occur. It took place on a school night.
On around 9:00 pm on a Tuesday night, my friend came to my house and told me that there was a shooting couple of houses from where I lived and that the man who got the shot was dead. I knew the man. At that moment I began to cry because I was terrified that I was going to get caught somehow in the line of fire, or I might just be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Immediately I called my parents crying to them telling them what had happened and telling them that I wanted to come to the United States where they were. At that time my parents were living in the U.S. They started to reassure that nothing will happen to me and that everything was going to be okay. It was said that the reason the man was shot was because he was “running up his mouth” saying that Triston deserved to be shot and that he should have died instead.
After that night pass I felt a little better because there weren’t no more shootings, until about one week later. This time it was the brother of Blackadread. When I heard about this shooting I was on my way to my aunt’s house. People started to run to where the shooting had taken place but I just continued going to my aunt’s house. When I came back home I heard that Blackadread’s brother was taken from the taxi he was in at gun point and then shot. About couple days later another brother of Blackadread was also killed.
Lionel Town became a “ghost town”. Terror filled the hearts of residents. Many wanted to vacate the area while others were very careful as to what they said in public. People were afraid to go out at night .As night fell People went into their houses and locked up their windows and doors. For me personally I was afraid to go to church at nights and even if I went the pastor would end church early so we could go home early. We were all scared for our lives.
But it wasn’t over the gang leader Blackadread who did the shooting was still on the loose. He was the only one left to go down. But it didn’t take long as his head was found on a block in the center of the street for everyone to see.
The night before Blackadread’s head was discovered my mother received a call around midnight .Her friend was asking her if she had heard the gunshots that were fired. We didn’t hear the gunshots we were all asleep. Many residents didn’t pay much attention to the gun shots. I heard that it sounded like a gun salute.
Few hours after that around 6:00 am my cousin ran over to our house to tell us the astonishing news that a dead man’s head was up the road on a block and that the head was the gang leader’s head. At that moment my mom and I still in our nightgown rush to the scene. At first I was very reluctant to look but I was brave enough and I took a quick glance at the head. My glance was so quick that I am unable to even describe it to you. What I did see was that it was very black. It was said that it was first discovered in the early morning by the victim’s sister.
The news of the dead man’s head spread like wildfire. Everyone from near and far came to see the head. Taxis and cars drove through my street just to get a glance at the head. There were cries of mourning by the bereaved family, but what was most evident was the silence of the onlookers. No one said a word. Everyone just came to look and turned around. When asked for interviews by news reporters, no one wish to say a word. No one wanted to say anything that that they might regret. Many thought that it was a possibility that the murder or murderers were in the crowd. I didn’t want to go to school that day I just wanted to stay home and watch the “excitement” not that anything was excited about the head of a dead man but the hearing the sounds of cars racing and bustling through the street and people running to get a look was amazing to see. It was the headline of all the news channels in Jamaica.
It is still unknown as to the location of the rest of Blackadread’s body and if anyone was charged for the murder. What was known however was that Blackadread was wanted for a series of murders that he had committed and as such Police were reluctant to look into case. The Police saw it as justice being served and another murderer off the street.
After couple days had past everything calmed down. Many people including myself didn’t even remember that a head was found up the street. People started to go out at nights and we were not as afraid as we were before. I had also came to the conclusion that whosoever did the killings were not interested in hurting innocent people but solely those who were apart of throwing stones at Triston and his friends and shooting Triston.
This was the most terrifying, most alarming thing I have ever experienced or that have ever happened in Lionel Town.


Jamaica popularly known as the “land of wood and water” is a small island surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Its population is estimated at 2,804,332 as of July 2008.Jamaica is famously known for its warm sunshine, cool bustling beaches, lavish world class-all inclusive resorts, legendary colonial great houses and not to mention its warm friendly people. Although Jamaica is a small island we have gain worldwide recognition in areas like sports and music.
In Jamaica the population is made up of mostly people from African descendants, but nearly every race is represented here including English, Spanish, Irish, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, German and Syrian. All of these races have intermingled and have come together to create one of the most unique asset of Jamaica, the Jamaican people.
Jamaicans are naturally warm, friendly and entertaining always offering handshakes, hugs, and hearty hellos. Our motto “Out Of Many One People” shows that we have mixed and mingled, breaking down barriers, to become one people out of many, living one love.
Jamaica is very rich in culture and it has a strong global presence. Our music, especially Reggae, is widely known throughout the world. Reggae has also influence American rap music as they both share their roots as rhythmic, African style of music. Dancing is also another vital part of our culture. Jamaicans dance everywhere for all occasions. These include worship events and social gatherings. Dancing is a vital part of the Jamaican lifestyle, whether as a means of enjoyment, entertainment or for religious purposes. To experience Jamaican is to dance with us.
Jamaica is also noteworthy for its variety of delicious, scrumptious and luscious cuisines. Our cuisines are as diverse as our people as unique as our island. Jamaica is blessed with fertile ground and an almost perfect tropical climate. Many restaurants around the world use our famous jerk sauce and served our highly acclaimed Blue Mountain coffee. One can never visit Jamaica without trying our jerk chicken, jerk pork, escovietch fish, goat soup and not to mention our National dish Ackee and Salt fish, if not your trip will be incomplete.\
Jamaica is also famous for our sports, notable for track and Field. Our superstar Usain Bolt has done us proud. Smashing the world record in the 100 and 200metres and acquiring the title of the fastest man alive. Jamaica also has the fastest woman alive.
On a more negative side Jamaica has been plagued by ongoing series of crime and violence. Jamaica has had one of the highest murder rates in the world for many years. Jamaica is ranked fourth in the world as the country with the highest homicide rate.
Jamaica has 14 parishes. I am from the parish of Clarendon. Clarendon is located on the south of the Island. Clarendon is rank as the third largest parish of Jamaica. Clarendon is famous for many things. It is the location of the Milk River Bath, a mineral spa, famous for its therapeutic healing. Halse Hall Great house, one of Jamaica’s historic houses. The Denbigh Show Ground, located in Clarendon, is a national Agriculture Show which is held once a year. Vernam Field the first car racing track established in Jamaica and known for drag racing is also found in Clarendon. Clarendon is also the home of many Sugar Factories.
Clarendon is made up of different town. I am from Lionel town.
Lionel Town consists of an estimated 5000-10000 people. It is a very small area found on the South Plain. It was first known as Vere.Lionel town is a rural area consisting of many shabby broken down, zinc up houses. It has however started to build up very nicely.
Lionel Town to me is like a little city to itself. It has shopping centers, fast food restaurants, a Police Station, a Hospital, a bank, Post office, Library, and Elementary and Secondary schools. The only thing I think it lacks is a movie theatre.
Lionel Town I think is divided into three areas. There is one place known as ‘Street” another “Scheme” and the other being “Capture Land”. Street is where I once lived. It is said to be the worst place to live in Lionel Town. I think that some of the people that live there is the main reason for others to have such a negative perception of Street. They are very quarrelsome, troublesome, and arrogant and they love to fight. There’s not a day that goes by where there’s not some sort of dispute. But I beg to differ, an example being myself, I am nothing like what I have just described. I am a well groomed person from a well disciplined family I must add. Scheme on the other hand I think is the best place to live out of the three, but It can be very boring as there’s less drama and I love drama. It is more of a residential area with better houses. The people are also more serene, peaceful and decent. Capture land as the name implies is an area where people build up house on land that belongs to the government or other people. In my opinion I think capture land is just like Street in terms of the kind of people that lives there.
Lionel Town is not a violence prone neighborhood, but there have been quite a few fatal shootings, plenty verbal altercations, and domestic violence. Some of the domestic violence includes: cursing between wife and baby mothers, among family members, girl gangs and theft to name a few.
There have never been any racial disputes in Lionel Town. Most of the residents are black and they get along with each other for the most part. There is no define class but based on the size of one’s house, the job that one has, people tends to associate you as rich or poor.
I personally love Lionel town despites the various violent activities. It has great schools, churches and the people overall can be very generous and gregarious.

The shocking and gruesome discovery of a dead man's body in the small town of Lionel Town

Saturday, September 19, 2009, 2:30 pm

This is a map of Jamaica showing Lionel Town where the gruesome killings occurred.
It was on an early, sunny Friday morning when a lady made the discovery of her brother’s head mounted on a brick for everyone to see in the small vicinity of Lionel Town. It was said that the man was shot and his head cut off as a means of retaliation for a past shooting involving a young man.
“It was the scariest day of my life” said Myah, a resident of Lionel Town. “I didn’t want to go to school that day” Myah continued with a sound of terror in her voice.
This terrible act all stemmed from an ongoing rivalry between two set of groups .It was reported that this feud started when Blackadread, the leader of the first gang, was shot in his foot by a man from the other group. From that day Blackadread always had a hatred for not just the man who shot him ,but for the man’s family at large .The man who shot Blackadread had a son by the name of Triston who lived in Lionel town where Blackadread reside. It was said that Blackadread had ordered Triston to never enter his turf or walk around where he lived.
Triston, however, never took the warnings.
One day as Triston and his friends were walking by where Blackadread and his friends were sitting they started to taunt and began to throw stones at Triston and his friends.Triston and his friends then immediately turned around and started to throw back stones at the group. It was at that moment when Blackadread took out his gun and started to fire multiple shots at Triston and his friends. It was then reported that the boys began to run.Triston, however, wasn’t lucky enough as he was gunned down and shot in his mouth and left to die.
Triston survived the shot, but this was just the beginning. Triston’s father wanted revenge. He wanted everyone who was responsible for his sons shooting to pay the price. It didn’t take long for the first fatal killing to occur. It took place on a school night.
On around 9:00 pm on a Tuesday night, residents heard multiple gun shots being fired. It didn’t take long afterwards for citizens to discover a man’s body suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He died on the spot. It was reported that the reason for the man’s death was because he was “running up his mouth” saying that Triston deserved to be shot and that he should have died instead.
“I was scared to death” said a 16 year old resident who had wished for her identity to be a secret. “I wanted to move instantly I called my mom crying to her telling her that I wasn’t going to stay here”, the resident continued.
It wasn’t long after that killing that two more men this time two brothers of Blackadread was fatally shot. Lionel Town became a “ghost town”. Terror filled the hearts of residents. Many wanted to vacate the area while others were very careful as to what they said in public.
But it wasn’t over. The gang leader, Blackadread, was still out there. He was the only one left to die. The night before Blackadread’s body was discovered, around midnight the residents of Lionel Town, heard a series of gunshots. Residents said it was like a gun salute. It was not until in the early morning that the sister of Blackadread discovered his head mounted on a block in the center of the street for everyone to see. Everyone near and far came to see the head.
There were cries of mourning by the bereaved family, but what was most evident was the silence of the onlookers. No one said a word. Everyone just came to look and turned around. When asked for interviews by news reporters, no one wish to say a word.
It is still unknown as to the location of the rest of Blackadread’s body and if anyone was charged for the murder. What was known however was that Blackadread was wanted for a series of murders that he had committed and as such Police were reluctant to look into case. The Police saw it as just being served and another murderer off the street.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This article talks about blogging and the great effect it is having on the world at large today. The writer, Andrew Sullivan, talks about the fact that blogging has changed and it can ultimately lead to journalism becoming extinct. He went on to say that blogs are personal, where bloggers present information based on their thoughts and opinions and people are starting to discredit the writings of large news post.
Andrew, also made mention that with blogging one is free to write whatever one wish or desire without having to please anyone including editors and publishers. In fact, the writer made the point that editors and publishers are gradually fading away. With blogs, bloggers can have the freedom of expressing themselves and being independent. They can also sit in the comfort of their home and publish a book without the hassle of going to a newspaper, magazine or other agencies to have their books published or to have their voices heard.
The writer ends by saying that blogging could be the new form of journalism.

Blogs: All the noise that fits
Michael Skube in his article talks about blogging and it being unable to replace journalism. Michael Skube went on to say that while bloggers can be informative and straightforward they can never replace the very well-detailed and well-organize works of journalist.
Michael Skube started off by saying that bloggers are everywhere and they are seeing as very inappropriate and unflattering by many. He mentioned that bloggers hate to be described as journalist but consider themselves as “citizen journalist” which means that they do not write for the purpose of media attention or popularity but on the behalf of the people.
The author went on to say that bloggers have gained high respect in the political arena, won different awards and have been awarded press credentials, but even with all these high recognition and awards, to Michael, bloggers are still not journalist. He states that bloggers only give precise and quick information and although they express a lot of certainty and freedom in their writings, bloggers still doesn’t fit the criteria of a great journalist.
For Michael a journalist is one who provides substantial, profound and well-detailed information that stick in the minds of people and is always remembered.

Both articles agree that blogging has become very popular in today’s society.
In contrasting both articles, Andrew believes that blogging is changing the media world and could replace journalism while Michael believes that blogging is not journalism and can never replace it.
Article one mentions that blog today has transformed into a more well established and informative place where one can be engaged in and be informed of the different things which are occurring in the world. In this article the author mentioned and I quote “These days, there are tech blogs and sex blogs and drug blogs and onanistic teenage blogs. But there are also news blogs and commentary blogs, sites packed with links and quips and ideas and arguments that only months ago were the near-monopoly of established news outlets.”
Article one also mentions that blogs are personal with the writer providing his own views. This allows for readers to know and become aware of whom the writer is as a person which in turn allows for a reader to be in tune with what the writer has to say. People on the other hand have started to become very skeptical about those real journalists who write for big newspapers and other media outlets. Journalist tend to have to write stories so as to please an editor ,publisher or even people, but a blogger on the other hand as the freedom to write anything and is not afraid to express ones feeling.
Bloggers tend to create huge fan base and this can ultimately lead them to start their own business. If people enjoy the blogs, bloggers can decide to publish a book and thus making profit and at the same time providing people with what they want.
People today tends to gravitate to simplicity and things that are straight forward and also entertaining, and this is what the blogs provide while journalist tends to put “sugar coatings” on certain things as a means of pleasing and satisfying others.

“And yet none of this makes them a journalist” are the actual words of Michael Skube, the author of the second article. Michel Skube believes that
being a journalist
is not something one does as a hobby. He believes it is more than just a story but the depth and well-detailed characteristics it possess.
Michael sees bloggers as very precise and providing quick information. For him this is not what journalism is about. He said that being a journalist one has to be very persistent.When writing a story one has to ensure that they undergo a series of research and verification so as to get all of the facts. He also believes writing a great story requires a lot of time, deep thinking and consideration. Michael says that the best writers are those who writes well written, well sorted out and accurate piece and they know how to add life to their writings.This Mcheal believes is not the charateristics of a bloger.He ends by saying and I quote “But what lodges in the memory of people, and sometimes knifes us in the heart , is the fidelity with which a writer observes and tells” end of quote.He says this to say that people tends to remember the fluency and accuracy of a writing rather than the quick on the surface writings and that is what a real journalist do and what bloggers lack in their writings.

In conclusion I am more compelled to go with Andrew Sullivan, the author of the first article. I believe that blogs today offer people something more entertaining as well as providing us with the facts. News paper articles on the other hand can be very boring and dull and at the same as Sullivan says and I quote “…that behind the curtain are fallible writers and editors who are no more inherently trustworthy than a lone blogger who has earned a reader’s respect”. This is to say that news paper articles are no more honest than a blogger because behind the curtains are real people that can also twist the stories and put it how they want it to go and what they write can also be based on their own opinions and thoughts rather than facts.